Microsoft Teases Potential Xbox Exclusive Doom
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Microsoft Teases Potential Xbox Exclusive Doom

May 13, 2024 11:11 AM

Recent reports suggest that Microsoft is preparing for an upcoming announcement for a new Doom title possibly named Year Zero amidst internal shake-ups and studio closures. The gaming giant has recently faced backlash after shutting down the studios behind Redfall, Prey, The Evil Within, and Hi-Fi Rush. On a brighter note, these closures led to Steam review bombings out of support for the beloved games. Details about raising the Game Pass Ultimate price emerged but nothing is finalized. With the future releases of Hellblade 2, Starfield DLC, Avowed, and an Indiana Jones game on the horizon, the future of Xbox seems uncertain, especially around the exclusivity of its titles. The new Doom's release on the PS5 remains a hot topic since prior Doom titles were multiplatform, as well as the possibility of other games like Indiana Jones and the Great Circle coming to Sony's console.

Will the new Doom game be Xbox exclusive or will it release for PS5 as well?

As of now, there are no official statements regarding the exclusivity of the new Doom game. With a history of multiplatform releases for previous Doom titles, there's a possibility it may not be exclusive to Xbox. However, fans are waiting for a clear strategy from Xbox on their approach to multiplatform releases in the future.

Doom is a historical franchise in the gaming industry, known for pioneering the first-person shooter genre with its initial release in 1993 by id Software. Doom 2016 and Doom Eternal, developed by the same company, revitalized the franchise with modern graphics, intense gameplay, and critical acclaim. With Microsoft's acquisition of ZeniMax Media, the parent company of id Software, in 2021, the future of Doom has been closely tied to Microsoft's strategic decisions within the gaming sphere.

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Samira Khan

Samira Khan is a narrative enthusiast with a keen eye for storytelling in games. Her literary approach to game criticism examines themes, character development, and plot structure, earning her a following among gamers who appreciate the art of narrating.

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Miss Peachy Miss Peachy commented on: 2024-05-13 11:36:04
It's definitely intriguing to see how the potential exclusivity of the new Doom game will play out, especially considering Xbox's recent studio closures and the uncertainty around future multiplatform releases. With Microsoft's acquisition of ZeniMax Media, the gaming landscape for iconic titles like Doom is undoubtedly evolving. It's definitely an interesting time for fans of the franchise.
N3rdo N3rdo commented on: 2024-05-13 11:30:02
It's exciting to hear about the potential new Doom title, but the uncertainty around its exclusivity is definitely keeping fans on their toes. With Microsoft's recent studio closures and the acquisition of ZeniMax Media, it'll be interesting to see how they navigate the future of such a legendary franchise.
Mr. Bison Mr. Bison commented on: 2024-05-13 11:24:02
It's definitely intriguing to see how the recent studio closures and internal changes at Microsoft could impact the future of the Doom franchise. The question of the new Doom game's exclusivity is up in the air and adds an extra layer of anticipation for fans eagerly awaiting more details. Exciting times ahead for gaming
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