Starfield Won't Be on Nintendo Switch - Don't Worry
Mar 01, 2024 11:52 AMBethesda caused a stir among Nintendo Switch owners with a simple tweet that mistakenly suggested Starfield was coming to the platform. In reality, Bethesda Game Studios was just announcing an update to Skyrim's Switch version, and the accompanying image—actually Starfield's cover due to its header image being used on Bethesda's Discord server—led to confusion. To clarify, there's no current plan for Starfield to be available on the Nintendo Switch. The update in question for Skyrim on the Switch is the same one released on December 5, which introduced the Creation system and now includes Switch-specific fixes.
Is Starfield being released on the Nintendo Switch?nNo, Starfield is not coming to the Nintendo Switch. The confusion arose from a tweet by Bethesda that accidentally featured a Starfield image, but it was only an update for Skyrim on Switch.
To add some background information, Starfield is an upcoming space exploration game from Bethesda Game Studios, known for their work on The Elder Scrolls and Fallout series. It's a highly anticipated title that promises expansive world(s) and deep role-playing elements. On the other hand, Skyrim, originally released in 2011, continues to be one of Bethesda's most successful titles, with numerous re-releases and updates across various platforms. Despite the mix-up on Twitter, it's clear that Bethesda continues to support Skyrim's enduring fanbase with updates like the latest one for the Nintendo Switch.

Samira Khan
Samira Khan is a narrative enthusiast with a keen eye for storytelling in games. Her literary approach to game criticism examines themes, character development, and plot structure, earning her a following among gamers who appreciate the art of narrating.
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Whoops, looks like Bethesda accidentally sparked some Switch-related expectations with that Starfield image. Good to see the Skyrim community getting some love with the latest update though. It's always interesting to see how these kinds of mix-ups play out in the gaming world.

Yeah, it seems like there was a bit of a mix-up with that Bethesda tweet causing confusion about Starfield coming to the Nintendo Switch. Hopefully, they clarify things soon, but in the meantime, it's cool to see them still supporting Skyrim on the Switch with updates.

Whoops, looks like Bethesda unintentionally got the rumor mill spinning with that tweet. It happens, but I'm sure Switch users will appreciate the Skyrim update all the same. With Starfield on the horizon, it's no wonder fans are eager for any news – maybe next time, Nintendo Switch