DRAGON'S DOGMA 2: Update to Tame Dragonsplague, Ending the Complaints
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DRAGON'S DOGMA 2: Update to Tame Dragonsplague, Ending the Complaints

Apr 21, 2024 11:00 AM

Good news for fans of Dragon's Dogma 2, as Capcom is set to roll out a patch addressing multiple issues gamers have been facing, most notably the notorious Dragonsplague. This affliction has been a double-edged sword for players' pawns, bolstering their combat prowess while also posing the risk of them turning hostile and decimating populations if not kept in check. The patch will not only make the Dragonsplague less frequent but will also enhance its visibility, making it easier for players to manage. Glowing eyes will serve as a clearer indication of infection, allowing for better monitoring and prevention of outbreaks.

Furthermore, players can expect other welcome tweaks and improvements. The patch promises to refine pawn behavior and cut down on repetitive dialogue—a common gripe within the community. It will also fix the occasional inability to interact with pawns through high-fives and reduce incidents of pawns inadvertently falling off cliffs. More detailed patch notes are anticipated later, but these announcements alone suggest a notable quality-of-life upgrade for Dragon's Dogma 2 enthusiasts.

When is the Dragon's Dogma 2 patch going live?

The exact release date for the patch has not been specified, but it was announced that it will be available sometime this month for all platforms.

As extra background information, Dragon's Dogma 2 is the sequel to the original Dragon's Dogma, an action RPG developed by Capcom initially released in 2012. The franchise is known for its vast open world, deep pawn system where players can recruit AI-controlled companions, and a unique combat system that allows players to climb and attack large monsters. It has garnered a cult following over the years, making the sequel highly anticipated. These updates show the developers' commitment to refining the game experience based on player feedback, ensuring Dragon's Dogma 2 remains a hit with its audience.

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Alex Riverton

Alex Riverton is a seasoned journalist with over a decade of experience in the gaming industry. Known for their in-depth analysis and hands-on previews, Alex has built a reputation for insightful commentary on gameplay mechanics and storytelling in videogames.

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Miss Peachy Miss Peachy commented on: 2024-04-21 11:24:02
I'm thrilled to hear that Capcom is addressing the Dragonsplague and implementing quality-of-life improvements for Dragon's Dogma 2. It's fantastic to see developers actively responding to player feedback and working to enhance the gaming experience. Can't wait to dive back into the world of Dragon's Dogma 2 with these updates
Mr. Bison Mr. Bison commented on: 2024-04-21 11:18:02
Man, it's great to see Capcom addressing those pesky Dragonsplague issues in Dragon's Dogma 2. The improved visibility and pawn behavior tweaks are exactly the kind of quality-of-life updates the game needs. Can't wait to see the full patch notes and get back to slaying monsters with my crew
Rolling R!ck Rolling R!ck commented on: 2024-04-21 11:12:03
Great to hear about the upcoming Dragon's Dogma 2 patch The tweaks for managing the Dragonsplague and refining pawn behavior sound like much-needed improvements for the game. Can't wait to see the full patch notes and experience these quality-of-life changes firsthand
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