Free Now: Endless Legend & Wizard with a Gun on Steam
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Free Now: Endless Legend & Wizard with a Gun on Steam

May 18, 2024 7:35 PM

Endless Legend and Wizard with a Gun are both currently free to play on Steam, but for a limited time. Endless Legend, a 4X turn-based fantasy strategy game by the creators of Endless Space, is free to download and keep forever if you act within the next week. This game features randomly generated worlds and quests, where you can control every aspect of your civilization, from topography to advanced technologies.

Wizard with a Gun is also free to play for the next two days as part of Devolver Digital’s 15th Anniversary celebration. This online cooperative sandbox survival game set in a magical wilderness allows players to collect, craft, and explore either alone or with friends. Players can design weapons, bullets, and furnishings for their tower, adding a unique twist to the gameplay.

How long are Endless Legend and Wizard with a Gun free to play on Steam?

Endless Legend is free to download and keep forever if downloaded within the next week. Wizard with a Gun is playable for free for the next two days.

Endless Legend is a renowned 4X strategy game noted for its depth and replayability. It allows players to lead one of eight civilizations, each with unique abilities and traits, through various stages of conquest, development, and technological evolution. The game is celebrated for its rich, dynamic world-building features and engaging gameplay mechanics.

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Alex Riverton

Alex Riverton is a seasoned journalist with over a decade of experience in the gaming industry. Known for their in-depth analysis and hands-on previews, Alex has built a reputation for insightful commentary on gameplay mechanics and storytelling in videogames.

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Stimpy Stimpy commented on: 2024-05-18 19:54:02
Whoa, snagging Endless Legend for keeps is a total steal – it’s like Civilization meets fantasy on overdrive And Wizard with a Gun’s two-day free window is perfect for a magical co-op weekend bash with friends.
Sephiroth Sephiroth commented on: 2024-05-18 19:48:03
Endless Legend is a must-grab for anyone into deep, strategic world-building, and getting it for free is a gamer’s dream come true. Wizard with a Gun looks like a wild ride for co-op fans, especially with Devolver Digital's quirky touch—perfect for a weekend gaming session.
Mr. Bison Mr. Bison commented on: 2024-05-18 19:42:03
It's awesome to see Endless Legend free forever; it's a must-have for any strategy fan with its deep world-building and dynamic gameplay. Wizard with a Gun seems like a blast, especially with friends—definitely worth diving into during Devolver Digital's celebration
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