Marvel's Vision Series for Disney+ to Have Star Trek Boss
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Marvel's Vision Series for Disney+ to Have Star Trek Boss

May 22, 2024 5:40 PM

Marvel fans have something exciting to look forward to with the newly reported Vision series for Disney+, set to release in 2026. Helmed by Star Trek: Picard showrunner Terry Matalas, this series will follow the events of WandaVision, where Vision, played by Paul Bettany, was previously seen. This show aims to tie up loose ends from WandaVision and give fans more of the beloved character. Vision was killed by Thanos in Avengers: Infinity War but was brought back in WandaVision as a spectral creation by Wanda Maximoff. The actual Vision's body was later reassembled by S.W.O.R.D. into White Vision, who regained his memories and flew off, leaving his fate unknown. The Vision series is part of Marvel's reduced schedule, producing no more than three movies and two shows per year.

When will the Vision series be released on Disney+?

The Vision series is scheduled to be released in 2026 on Disney+.

The Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) continues to expand with interconnected stories through its movies and Disney+ series. WandaVision, released in January 2021, was a crucial series that explored Wanda Maximoff’s grief and her creation of an alternate reality, bridging Phase Three and Phase Four of the MCU. With WandaVision's success and critical acclaim, the Vision series is highly anticipated to delve deeper into the storyline, especially the unexplored fate of White Vision and his regained memories.

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Alex Riverton

Alex Riverton is a seasoned journalist with over a decade of experience in the gaming industry. Known for their in-depth analysis and hands-on previews, Alex has built a reputation for insightful commentary on gameplay mechanics and storytelling in videogames.

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