PlayStation Studio's Firesprite Faces Unhappy Staff
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PlayStation Studio's Firesprite Faces Unhappy Staff

Mar 01, 2024 1:45 PM

Firesprite, the developer responsible for the upcoming "Horizon Call of the Mountain," reportedly faces significant internal unrest, with an 'alarming' number of employees leaving the studio. The discontent stems from intense pressure during the game's development, leading to a crunch culture where employees are working excessively long hours. It has been suggested that collaborations, particularly with Horizon creators Guerrilla Games, heightened expectations to deliver a high-quality game, contributing to the stressful environment.

Founded as a successor to Sony's Studio Liverpool, Firesprite was positively perceived when Sony acquired it in 2021. The studio previously developed titles such as "The Playroom" and a "LittleBigPlanet" spin-off, "Run Sackboy Run". Despite once having had a strong relationship with Sony, recent layoffs across Sony Interactive Entertainment, which may include Firesprite staff, and the rumored cancelation of a live-service "Twisted Metal" game, have hinted at trouble within the studio.

Sources have revealed that the majority of the original Firesprite founders have left, possibly taking with them what made the studio a desirable workplace. New leadership from Sony's supporting studio XDev has faced accusations of discrimination based on age and gender, although an internal investigation reportedly chalked up such claims to misunderstandings. Nevertheless, multiple accounts describe the new management as bullies and tyrants, while others allege efforts towards inclusivity.

The situation at Firesprite exemplifies the potential negative impacts of corporate acquisitions and intense management interference on game development studios. Employees reportedly feel unsupported, stressed and face burnout, contributing to a toxic work environment. Sony has yet to respond to these allegations.

What is crunch culture in the video game industry?

Crunch culture refers to the practice of working excessive overtime, often without adequate compensation, to meet game development deadlines. This can lead to employee burnout, health issues, and a negative workplace environment.

As additional context, Firesprite is known in the gaming community for taking over the development of projects with high expectations due to their association with widely recognized franchises like "Horizon." "Horizon Call of the Mountain" is part of the expanded universe of "Horizon Zero Dawn," a critically acclaimed action RPG developed by Guerrilla Games. The studio's involvement with high-profile games like those in the "LittleBigPlanet" series and their current VR project raises the stakes for their success and possibly contributes to the reported workplace pressures.

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Jordan Keats

Jordan Keats is a former professional gamer turned journalist, whose competitive background gives them a unique perspective on esports and multiplayer games. Jordan's expertise in strategy and game mechanics is unmatched, offering readers a deeper understing.

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Stimpy Stimpy commented on: 2024-03-01 14:24:02
Man, it's disheartening to hear about the internal issues at Firesprite. Crunch culture in game development is no joke, and it's a shame to see talented folks experiencing burnout in what should be a creative and fulfilling industry. Here's hoping for positive changes and better support for the employees.
Mr. Bison Mr. Bison commented on: 2024-03-01 14:12:02
Wow, the challenges faced by Firesprite shed light on the detrimental effects of crunch culture in game development. It's a stark reminder of the importance of prioritizing the well-being of employees in such a high-stakes industry. Hoping for a positive turnaround for the studio and the individuals involved
Rolling R!ck Rolling R!ck commented on: 2024-03-01 14:06:02
Man, it's disheartening to hear about the troubling work environment at Firesprite. Crunch culture in the gaming industry is no joke, and it's unfortunate to see talented developers feeling unsupported and overwhelmed. Hopefully, this sheds light on the need for better practices in game development.
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