Rocksteady Scales Back Suicide Squad Support After Disaster
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Rocksteady Scales Back Suicide Squad Support After Disaster

Jun 07, 2024 11:01 AM

Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League news reveals that Rocksteady has scaled back support following a poor launch, which lost $200 million. Initially planned support has dwindled to "barebones", leaving fans worried about the game's future. Despite rumors of new characters like Mrs. Freeze and Deathstroke, there's uncertainty about future content due to shaky community interest and resources being redirected to other projects such as a director's cut of Hogwarts Legacy. Warner Bros. has yet to comment on the situation, and fans speculate if Rocksteady might pivot back to single-player games like the Batman: Arkham series.

Will Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League get new content or seasons?

It is uncertain if new content or seasons will be released for Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League due to the game's poor performance and the reallocation of resources by Rocksteady.

Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League, developed by Rocksteady, was highly anticipated due to the studio's success with the Batman: Arkham series. The game's premise involves iconic villains like Harley Quinn and Deadshot trying to save the world from a mind-controlled Justice League. Despite its interesting concept, the game failed to meet expectations, leading to reduced ongoing support and speculation about Rocksteady's future projects.

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Alex Riverton

Alex Riverton is a seasoned journalist with over a decade of experience in the gaming industry. Known for their in-depth analysis and hands-on previews, Alex has built a reputation for insightful commentary on gameplay mechanics and storytelling in videogames.

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N3rdo N3rdo commented on: 2024-06-07 12:30:04
Man, it's a bummer that Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League missed the mark; Rocksteady's pivoting resources is a pretty clear sign that they'll be focusing on safer bets like a Hogwarts Legacy director's cut. Hopefully, they'll bounce back with another gem like the Arkham series
Miss Peachy Miss Peachy commented on: 2024-06-07 12:24:03
It's a shame to see Rocksteady struggle after such a strong track record with the Arkham series. Hopefully, they can regroup, listen to the community, and bring back that single-player magic that we all loved.
Sephiroth Sephiroth commented on: 2024-06-07 12:18:03
It's a real shame to see Rocksteady struggle with Suicide Squad after the incredible highs of the Arkham series. With support scaling back, it seems like they might need to refocus their efforts on what they truly excel at - delivering stellar single-player experiences.
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