Ultraman joins Avengers in epic East-West hero crossover
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Ultraman joins Avengers in epic East-West hero crossover

May 22, 2024 7:02 PM

The Avengers are set for an exciting crossover this summer with "Ultraman x Avengers." This new comic series from Marvel and Tsuburaya Productions will pair Earth's Mightiest Heroes with Japan's iconic hero, Ultraman. Featuring the creative team of writers Kyle Higgins and Mat Groom and artist Francesco Manna, the series will explore a thrilling plot where Spider-Man disappears, an intergalactic invader threatens, and Earth’s Kaiju act mysteriously. With the first issue releasing on August 14, 2024, this limited four-issue series promises a unique adventure bringing together two of the most beloved superhero franchises from the East and West.

What is the storyline of the Ultraman x Avengers comic series?

The storyline involves Spider-Man vanishing, an intergalactic invader arriving, and Kaiju behaving strangely. These events set the stage for Ultraman teaming up with the Avengers to confront a cosmic threat.

Ultraman, created in the 1960s, is a pivotal character in Japanese pop culture. Initially introduced through a TV series, Ultraman fights massive monsters called Kaiju, and the franchise has significantly influenced the tokusatsu genre. This historic crossover with the Avengers marks a momentous event where Western and Eastern superhero legacies converge.

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Alex Riverton

Alex Riverton is a seasoned journalist with over a decade of experience in the gaming industry. Known for their in-depth analysis and hands-on previews, Alex has built a reputation for insightful commentary on gameplay mechanics and storytelling in videogames.

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