Surgeons implant maglev titanium heart in historic first
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Surgeons implant maglev titanium heart in historic first

Jul 29, 2024 3:43 PM

Surgeons have achieved a medical breakthrough by implanting an artificial titanium heart powered by magnetic levitation (maglev) technology. The BiVACOR Total Artificial Heart (TAH) uses a maglev-driven rotor to circulate blood, aiming to aid patients awaiting heart transplants. The device was successfully tested on a patient for eight days before a donor heart was available. BiVACOR hopes to use this technology as a long-term heart replacement, potentially saving countless lives.

How does maglev technology work in an artificial heart?n

Maglev technology uses the natural repelling forces of opposing magnetic poles to keep the rotor suspended without contact, minimizing wear and tear and allowing the artificial heart to pump blood efficiently.

Artificial hearts have been a monumental advancement in medicine. The TAH by BiVACOR is particularly notable due to its use of maglev technology, commonly seen in high-speed trains capable of exceeding speeds of 300 km/h. This innovation could bridge the gap for the estimated 100,000 patients in immediate need of heart transplants, offering hope and improved quality of life for many individuals suffering from heart disease.

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Jordan Keats

Jordan Keats is a former professional gamer turned journalist, whose competitive background gives them a unique perspective on esports and multiplayer games. Jordan's expertise in strategy and game mechanics is unmatched, offering readers a deeper understing.

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Mr. Bison Mr. Bison commented on: 2024-07-29 16:30:05
This is seriously groundbreaking stuff Using maglev tech, which we usually see in super-fast trains, to power an artificial heart is a testament to how innovative tech can save lives beyond the gaming and gadget world.
Miss Peachy Miss Peachy commented on: 2024-07-29 16:24:03
The fusion of maglev technology with artificial hearts is mind-blowing, merging futuristic train tech with critical medical advances. BiVACOR's breakthrough could be a real game-changer for patients waiting for transplants, giving a whole new meaning to heart and soul in medical innovation.
Sephiroth Sephiroth commented on: 2024-07-29 16:18:03
Wow, applying maglev technology from high-speed trains to artificial hearts is honestly mind-blowing This could genuinely revolutionize how we handle heart disease and transplant queues.
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